Pre Internet banking dominance, everything financial was done through the United States mail and telephone. Everything was a slow process. In regards to credit card applications, you had to go to your local bank and get one, or you had to wait for a credit card offer to be sent to you in the mail. You had to fill out the credit card application by hand and mail it to the credit card company. If your application was accepted, you would receive a letter a couple of weeks later telling you such. Another few days later, you would receive you credit card. On the other hand, if your application was denied, you had to wait those few weeks just to discover this fact.
Thank goodness for the Internet and instant credit card application decisions. Nowadays, all you have to do is go to the website of the credit card company in which you are interested. You select the credit card of interest. Next, you fill out the available credit card application. Once that is complete, you submit the application and get a credit card decision, usually, within thirty seconds. Thirty seconds sure beats a few weeks!
If you are in the market for a credit card and you have never used an Internet credit card application, I suggest you give it a try and get an instant credit decision.
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