As stated above, you will get more flexibility with your purchases, and you will have a lot of spending power with a high credit limit. While good in some respects, a high limit can get you into to trouble if you abuse it. If you have a high credit limit, this means that you have practiced responsible debt management. However, like most things in life, in you fall out of practice, you can get into trouble. Here, just because you have more spending power does not mean that you should utilize it unless you are making a planned purchase for a particular purpose. Do not make a big purchase just because you can. Doing this can turn the “pro” of having a high credit limit into a very big “con.”
Increasing your debt to available credit ratio can have a positive effect on your credit score. The interesting thing is that it can also have a negative effect on your credit score. It is all about timing. If you dramatically increase your debt to available credit ratio in a short amount of time, a credit reporting bureau may see this as you stockpiling credit in order to make a big purchase. This makes credit reporting bureaus nervous because they believe that you may not be able to pay off the big purchase (if made). Therefore, if you are going to increase your debt to available credit ratio, do it over a sizeable time frame and increase your credit limit in small monetary increments.
Both pros and cons exist with a high credit limit, but if you practice responsible debt management and increase your debt to available credit ratio over a sizeable amount of time, your high credit limit can be a powerful asset.
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